
Minelab Limited is
involved in Bitcoin mining
WELCOME to Minelab

  • Days work 2
  • Total accounts 424
  • deposited 68.15203341
  • withdraw 7.84123749
  • BTC
  • days
  • 0.001
    0.001 btc
    1 btc
  • 1000 BTC
  • 1000 BTC

For partners affiliate program

Our plans faq

  • for partners 3%
  • for representatives 5%

Affiliate marketing is one of the strongest ways to attract new investors in any growing business. Minelab Limited is no exception and anyone can become our best partner by looking for new investors to attract private and corporate capital. The company has provided a special system of rewards for your involvement in the development.

So how can you start? Affiliate program is available for only registered users, this means you have to sign up. Then you need to find and copy your unique partner link and share this with any person who interested in our proposal wants invest. And if he makes a deposit you will instantly receive 3% from this amount. First, you will increase your passive income due such rewards and second, our investment program will be more attractive, will have the opportunity to develop business and worldwide recognition of Minelab Limited. Your reward you get instantly after we receive the deposit.

You can withdraw affiliate reward or make deposit directly from your account balance. It can be the way that you have no funds to make deposit. But with such cooperation you receive partnership reward without making your own deposit.

Regional representatives referral system

For more details of the investment program and company activities Minelab Limited cooperates with regional representatives from dozens countries around the world. First of all, this should solve the problem when our users don't speak English to properly understand all mechanisms of investment platform. That's why we have made a decision to ask some of our partners to share necessary information, provide support for new members and teach novice investors how to select investment strategies and certainly share personal experience about Minelab Limited.

Below in this section you can check details of company regional representatives and look for nearest to you. You can contact him any time to ask for more information about the company and its benefits. Management of Minelab investment program guarantees that you will get help in full.

To increase personal motivation the company has developed system of rewards of partners who have the status of representatives. First of all, affiliate commission of representatives grows up to 5% and is paid from each deposit of referrals. Second, you will have direct channel of communication with administration and receive all company updates.

Any client registered on the website of Minelab Limited can ask for representative status. Just send us detailed information about yourself:

  • - Your username ;
  • - Your full name;
  • - Your country;
  • - Your language;
  • - Your contact information.

After checking this information that takes up to 5 business days we will place your affiliate link in this section.

Representatives list

Your full name country language contact information
Mark344 USA English,French +1(099)968-8507 mark344@gmail.com