
Minelab Limited is
involved in Bitcoin mining
WELCOME to Minelab

  • Days work 2
  • Total accounts 425
  • deposited 68.15203341
  • withdraw 7.85546480
  • BTC
  • days
  • 0.001
    0.001 btc
    1 btc
  • 1000 BTC
  • 1000 BTC

Faq main issues

Partners news

  • What is Minelab Limited about?

    British company Minelab Limited provides international investment services and offers you to become an investor to earn 10%-12%-15% on a daily basis for life.

  • Is Minelab Limited legal business?

    Yes, it is. Minelab Limited was officially registered in Manchester, United Kingdom which is area of control of the laws of England and Wales.

  • What is your registration number?

    Visit Companies House website to check registration:

  • Do you have physical office we can visit?

    Yes, feel free to visit us at 50 Brown Street, Manchester M2 2JG, Greater Manchester, United Kingdom.

  • Who can be your client?

    Any Bitcoin user who has reached the age of majority can register account and make money with the company.

  • What do I need to become an investor Minelab Limited?

    You only need Bitcoin wallet with the ability to send 0.001 BTC or more. To start making money it’s enough to register an account and invest.

  • What is Bitcoin and where I can register account and refill my wallet?

    Visit official website www.bitcoin.com to get all the necessary information about cryptocurrency, wallets and Bitcoin sellers.

  • How many accounts can we register here?

    You can register a few accounts if required but not using affiliate link for this.

  • Can my family members also join?

    Yes, your relatives can be registered as well.

  • My email was hacked and I lost access, can I change it in me account settings?

    Unfortunately, you can’t select other username or email specified when registration. We suggest to register a new account in such case.

  • Is your company for long term?

    Of course, we have developed long-term investment program and plan to work as long as possible.

  • What income Minelab Limited offers?

    Minelab Limited offers stable daily income of 10%-12%-15% for life.

  • How can I make a deposit?

    To make a deposit you need to sign up. After registration use make deposit function in your account to generate Bitcoin address where you will need to send a payment from your wallet.

  • What is the minimum deposit?

    You can make a deposit on any amount not less than $25.

  • How many deposits can I have?

    You can have as many deposits as you need at the same time.

  • When my deposit will be added?

    Your payment should have at least 3 network confirmations to be credited. This process usually takes up to 60 minutes depending on the speed of Bitcoin network.

  • My deposit lost! Can you help me?

    Don’t worry, sometime it happens and adding deposit can be delayed. In such case just contact our tech staff via email, feedback form of live chat and send your payment details. We will be happy to resolve your issue!

  • What is profit schedule?

    Your profit is every 24 hours from the moment when deposit added.

  • Is my profit 7 days a week?

    Yes, it is.

  • Do I get a profit forever?

    That's right, your deposit works for life.

  • What amount can I withdraw?

    The minimum withdrawal amount $0.10. All withdrawal requests are processed automatically and instantly.

  • Are your payouts instant?

    Yes, all withdrawal requests are processed instantly.

  • What is commission for the withdrawal of profits?

    Minelab Limited guarantees regular payments with no fees.

  • Do you offer compounding?

    No, compounding is not available.

  • How to earn more with affiliate program?

    Affiliate program is available for only registered users, this means you have to sign up. Then you need to find and copy your unique partner link and share this with any person who interested in our proposal wants invest. And if he makes a deposit you will instantly receive 3% from this amount.

  • Should I have my own deposit to use affiliate link?

    You can withdraw affiliate reward or make deposit directly from your account balance. It can be the way that you have no funds to make deposit. But with such cooperation you receive partnership reward without making your own deposit.

  • What about representatives?

    For more details of the investment program and company activities Minelab Limited cooperates with regional representatives from dozens countries around the world. First of all, this should solve the problem when our users don't speak English to properly understand all mechanisms of investment platform.

  • What are benefits of representatives?

    First of all, affiliate commission of representatives grows up to 5% and is paid from each deposit of referrals. Second, you will have direct channel of communication with administration and receive all company updates.

  • Can I become a representative without deposit?

    Yes. You can apply for status with no personal deposit.

  • How to become company representative?

    Any client registered on the website of Minelab Limited can ask for representative status. Just send us detailed information about yourself: your username, full name, country, languages you speak, your contact information.

  • How quickly do you consider requests from representatives?

    After checking this information that takes up to 5 business days we will place your affiliate link in this section.