
Minelab Limited is
involved in Bitcoin mining
WELCOME to Minelab

  • Days work 2
  • Total accounts 422
  • deposited 68.12880060
  • withdraw 7.84048749
  • BTC
  • days
  • 0.001
    0.001 btc
    1 btc
  • 1000 BTC
  • 1000 BTC

For investors packages

About us partners

For investors Minelab Limited offers three investments plan: 10%-12%-15% per day for unlimited period. These plans is acceptable for any our client which invest amount more than $25.

Investment starts work after the sending Bitcoins to our address which you get while making deposit. Be careful while you copy it because it’s your money. After sending amount you need to wait until network make confirmations of the transaction and check if deposit is active. For making deposit active you need wait at least 3 confirmations, in only rare cases need wait more confirmation.
Usually it takes no more than 60 minutes.

We offer: investment plans

After you receive active deposit your money starts work and brings you profit of 10%-12%-15% every 24 hours which you can withdraw or reinvest from account balance as separate deposit. It’s available to have as many deposits as you want at the same time, every your investment has it’s own accrual terms.

Once your balance is $0.10 or more you can withdraw profits. To do so you have to make withdrawal request this is processed instantly.

Please note we don’t offer compounding options, so you can’t add any funds to active deposit. As you can see all simple: you need to choose amount you want invest, make deposit and start getting profit next day. That’s why investing here available to anyone. Any cryptocurrency user all over the world can join, that’s the main idea of the Internet platform we launched and Bitcoin as payment method. So don’t waste your time and start making money today with real professionals from Minelab Limited. Remember - money never sleeps!

  • Daily profit
  • Minimum amount
  • Maximum amount
  • Duration