
Minelab Limited is
involved in Bitcoin mining
WELCOME to Minelab

  • Days work 2
  • Total accounts 416
  • deposited 68.12710060
  • withdraw 7.81850585
  • BTC
  • days
  • 0.001
    0.001 btc
    1 btc
  • 1000 BTC
  • 1000 BTC

Get started Where to begin?

Home About us

Website of Minelab Limited is quite clear and intuitive.
We have tried to do our best to ensure that you won't have problems when using it.
There are few steps separate you from profit!

  • Register an account

    Register an account to start making money with Minelab Limited, send a deposit and get daily accruals. Just fill out the short registration form. We do not ask you to send documents or share your real name. Our cooperation is fully anonymous. If you need to register another account, feel free to do so but please don't use your affiliate link when registering.

    Create account
  • Make deposit

    To make a deposit you have to log into your personal account. Do this after registration and use make deposit function in your account to generate Bitcoin address where you will need to send a payment from your personal BTC wallet. The minimum amount you can invest is $25.

  • Network confirmations

    Wait a bit until your deposit list will be updated. Your payment should have at least 3 network confirmations to be credited. This process usually takes up to 60 minutes depending on the speed of Bitcoin network. Sometime you can face delay up to 24 hours, just contact us in case of lost deposit.

  • Get profit

    Receive daily profit of 10%-12%-15% , every 24 hours from the moment when deposit added. If you have two and more deposits (actually you can have a lot of them at the same time) just remember that each one has own term of accrual.

  • Withdrawal requests

    Once you collected certain amount on your account balance, you can make withdrawal request. The minimum withdrawal amount $0.10. All withdrawal requests are processed automatically and instantly. You can withdraw as many times a day as you need, we have no restriction on such matter.

Where to buy Bitcoin? Where to begin?

If you are beginner about cryptocurrency, but already registered Bitcoin wallet and know how Bitcoin works, seems you are looking where to buy cryptocurrency in the easiest way.

First of all, we suggest you to find a list of popular online exchange points on our website. There are a lot of them online and fortunately you can trust most of them. But remember about frauds and be always aware!

Excellent article that contains enough useful information you can find on the popular blog, which is dedicated to cryptocurrency: www.coindesk.com/information/how-can-i-buy-bitcoins

An even easier way can be found on the website that is popular among Bitcoin users: howtobuybitcoins.info, just contact nearest local seller in your country or even in your city! You only have to specify the country where you live to get a list of them.

For novice Bitcoin users we recommend a visit to the official website of Bitcoin, where you will find lots of useful information about how and where to register your personal address, as well as where to buy Bitcoin: bitcoin.org/en/getting-started.

Finally, if none of these methods you do not seem clear enough, you can buy cryptocurrency here:
localbitcoins.com, paxful.com. If you are a bit experienced user then take advantage of the most common crypto exchanges: bitfinex.com, www.bitstamp.net, bitok.com and www.kraken.com.